Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To read or not to read, that is the question...

This is one of those, I don't think anyone knows this about me kinda moments, but I like to read. I probably don't read anything anyone is really interested in, but nevertheless, I like to read. Although I like to read, I haven't really picked up a book since 2005. That was the year that I lost half of my marbles due to a little man making his appearance in this world. Then in 2009, I lost the other half of my marbles due to his sister gracing us with her presence. Anyways, bottom line is that I don't get to really pick up a book with a 5 year old and 1 year old to keep me busy. I go to the library quite often with my children and everytime I've gone I've always wanted to grab one of those audio books, but never have worked up the nerve to. I think it's some kind of blockage that I have in my subconscious where I think that the book won't mean as much if I don't read it. I feel lazy if I have to resort to listening instead of using my eyes and brain to actually READ the pages of the book. Isn't that part of the reason that you go to school, is to learn how to read? But there I am, standing in front of the audio book section, contemplating like it's the philosophical question of the century. So I put it out to anyone reading this. Audio Books...Yay or Nay?


Diet Starts Tomorrow said...

Never was a fan of audio books but it sounds like something that would just help me nap.. sorta like a white noise machine. but i shouldn't knock it before i try it!

FunnyGal KAT said...

Yay! I used to check them out of the library all the time when I used to commute an hour to work. I'm a huge reader and wasn't sure if I would like the audio books, but I ended up really enjoying them... and they made my commute fly by. I would still be checking them out except my trips aren't long enough anymore to really get into them.

Mrs4444 said...

I love audio books for the car. I never read traditional books at home--too much into blogs, I guess. My favorite audio book ever is The Secret Life of Bees--The woman who reads it is just wonderful. Have you read it?

Krissy said...

i haven't read that one yet, but it may be my first audio book try.